Terms & ConditionsAll persons with devices handed to ‘The iPhone Guy’ for repairs or assessment must agree to the terms & conditions contained herewith:
Devices submitted are “Damaged”. Opening and handling of devices may expose further secondary faults caused by the original negligent use. The iPhone Guy will not accept any responsibility for these issues. Working components on entry does not mean they will be working on completion. The iPhone Guy will advise you of these issues should they occur.
Upon notification of completion of repair, I shall collect my device within 30 business days, or later as otherwise arranged (in writing) between myself & ‘The iPhone Guy’. Failing this, my device will become property of ‘The iPhone Guy’.
Upon collection of my device, I shall pay bill in full using the methods accepted by ‘The iPhone Guy’.
Should my device not be repairable, I shall advise ‘The iPhone Guy’ on whether I wish to collect it, or have it disassembled & disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Should I wish to collect the device, I shall do so within 30 business days, or later as otherwise arranged (in writing) between myself & ‘The iPhone Guy’. Failing this, my device will become property of ‘The iPhone Guy’.
Devices surrendered for disposal (in writing) will be not available for re-assembly at any point. These devices are wiped (if possible) for privacy obligations and dismantled to component level with damaged parts disposed of entirely.
I understand that only the repairs listed at the time of submission will be carried out on my device, unless otherwise arranged between myself & ‘The iPhone Guy’.
If my device is not usable upon submission to ‘The iPhone Guy’ and no pre-submission tests are able to be carried out – any other issues that may arise once my phone is in working condition, will not be covered by ‘The iPhone Guy’s’ warranty, unless, upon assessment, the issue was caused from the initial repair carried out by ‘The iPhone Guy’.
I am aware that during the process of assessment, diagnosis and repair, it is possible that all user software settings and\or data will be lost. ‘The iPhone Guy’ advises a full back-up be performed prior to commencement of work. ‘The iPhone Guy’ accepts no responsibility for such losses.
Whilst highly unlikely, I understand that during the event of repair to my water-damaged device, there is a chance that disconnection & re-connection of any water-damaged parts can create a power surge & cause my phone to cease functioning altogether, similarly, if connections are corroded – they may disintegrate causing a function to no longer function or be repairable. This risk is solely upon myself, the client – No responsibility will be taken by ‘The iPhone Guy’.
I understand that during the event of repair of SMD components (logic board) , there is a chance that reconnection of parts can create a power surge & cause my phone to cease functioning altogether. This risk is solely upon myself, the client – No responsibility will be taken by ‘The iPhone Guy’.
In the event that my water-damaged device is repaired to a usable state but certain functions are deemed not repairable or I, the customer decide not to continue with repair, I have the option to:
- Collect the repaired device, paying for the water-damage treatment + any parts requiring replacement during repair
- Leave the device with ‘The iPhone Guy’, becoming the property of ‘The iPhone Guy’ and no fee will be charged to me
- Collect the device as is, minus the parts requiring replacement, paying for the water-damage treatment only.
I understand the minimum $39 assessment fee is payable on any non-repairable/non-repaired devices.
I understand that all repairs provided by “The iPhone Guy’ are automatically guaranteed for 30 days – Issues arising outside of repairs completed or beyond the 30 day guarantee period are the responsibility of the owner.
I understand The iPhone Guy is a third party repairer and are not affiliated with Apple Inc.
Touch ID I understand if my device has the touch ID function (fingerprint scanner in home button) there is approx. a 1 in 50 chance the sensor will no longer function following repair. This is an Apple security issue. We cannot fix this
iPhone 7\7+\8\8+: Home buttons on these devices are not physical buttons. Whilst rare, the above software security issues can cause the button to stop functioning entirely.
Face IDI understand if my device has Face ID function (facial unlock recognition) there is approx. a 1 in 50 chance the sensor will no longer function following screen repair. The sensors are glued to the glass and take impact. We understand the sensor is designed to fail if it gets too much light into sensor such as when it's being transplanted. This is an Apple security issue. We cannot always fix this
Restocking Fee
Any products returned for non-warranty purposes are subject to a 10% restocking fee. This covers testing, cleaning, repacking and advertising.
Blocked DevicesIt is not the responsibility of 'The iPhone Guy' to check if devices have been registered on the blocked/stolen register. You are liable for all repair costs you undertook at the time of submission, regardless of blocked status.
Warranty Claims
The iPhone Guy offers a warranty on all repairs and products. The standard 6mth Warranty and Water Damage Limited Warranty. The warranty allows for parts only and any installation of said parts. The iPhone Guy has full right to re-repair an item with a faulty part. Tampering or damage to a part, including work completed by another party, will void all warranty with The iPhone Guy. Whilst we try to achieve the best possible outcome on behalf of our clients, we are not the manufacturer of parts. Our warranty is in place to protect the client from faulty components only. The iPhone Guy will cover all associated workmanship for re-repair.
6mth Warranty
All devices repairs come with a 6mth warranty. This covers parts and workmanship from defects, faults and failures. It does NOT cover damage, misuse, abuse, tampering or modifications (such as cases, stickers, car holders, etc). All devices returned under our warranty process will be assessed for the above items.
Second-Hand Warranty
All devices sold by The iPhone Guy' come with a 90 day warranty. This covers parts and workmanship from defects, faults and failures. It does NOT cover damage, misuse, abuse, tampering, modifications (such as cases, stickers, car holders, etc) or change of mind. Please read device description carefully as to the condition of device sold. All devices are sold 'AS IS' condition stated in sale.
Water Damage Warranty
Water damage warranty comes with limited support. Whilst we endeavour to repair the device, further failure of parts in the future are not covered in our warranty policy. We will attempt to re-repair the device at our discretion. “Treatment” is the process of cleaning and treating the logic board to prevent further corrosion. We do not warranty other items within the phone. These are to be replaced at the users cost.
Water Damage warranty is strictly 14 days. If a device is repaired to working order and has further issues within this time, the device will be covered under our warranty. All issues outside this time frame are not covered and any parts installed are now deemed ‘second-hand’ and as such will not be refunded. It is the users responsibility to identify these issues and report them to ‘The iPhone Guy’ within the time specified